
Narrative OC Meme by Krian MC -Me_

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I. Choose up to five (5) of your favorite original story characters that will embark in this role-play. If you don't have five (5) then leave them blank (or create a character on the spot!) Be sure to give a little description of them:
1. Seoul Ah Wong ,real band name is Daeseong Ah Wong. He is the leader of boy S-Profile, good dancer. rather overconfident.

2. Shuu Figurashi, main vocals of S-Profile , has that boy-next-door charm, a positive thinker and outgoing. he can be loud  sometimes. he also has a small sister-complex.

3. Evelyn Core, Year 5's big sister. She's the face of the group sometimes. She is responsible and serious. she has a fun side too, but can only show it at random times.

4. Scott Holly Dawn, S-Profile's resident hearthrob and also the lead vocal. He has a gentle-like aura, but can be a pranker. Usually, he just smiles.

5. Suzune Figurashi, Year 6's main vocal , she is the sub-leader. She has a calm, refined personality. But whenever anybody mentions something unnecessary, she gives a horrid side.

II. Character Two  has taken a part-time job as a substitute teacher at a learning facility. How did their first day go? What were they teaching?

Shuu is ready to go. He puts on his glasses (no lenses) and walked towards his assigned room. "Why do I have to teach? I hate explaining stuff." he thought.

"Ohayo sensei!" ,the students greeted.
"Ohayo minna-san! I'm your new music teacher ,Figurashi Shuu. Please sit down.
Now let's start with.....", a female student suddenly shouted.

"Nee~! ne~! Shuu-kun why are you here?"

"Oh, I was assigned to-"

Another female student shouted.

"Shuu-kun! Shuu-kun! Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Ehh? That question's..."

"Shuu-kun! Shuu-kun! Shuu-kun! Shuu-kun!"

Shuu had to ran out of his classroom and got chased by his students/fangirls (because he's a pop idol after all) the whole day..

III. Character One  and Character Five   are hired as police officers and end up placing Character Three  into custody. Does everything go smoothly?

(3) Eve
(1) Seoul

Seoul: Alright, Miss Core you are under arrest for these bag of-------- underwear??

Eve: I told you! It aint cash!

Suzune: Enough, you'll explain this in the police station.

At the police station:

Suzune: So.. your credit card was terminated?
Eve: Yes and.... Hey hey what are you doing?!

Seoul going through the "bag"... (Seoul: ooh what do we have here?)

IV. Character One  and Character Two  happen do discover a strange artifact while rummaging through an abandoned warehouse. Both fight and argue on over the artifact until one of them wins. Explain what the artifact looks like.

(1) Seoul
(2) Shuu

The artifact was an old record of Gramaphone record. Seoul said it looked bigger than a regular CD. Shuu, being the Musical Genius and actually went to his "Music Lessons" , not like "some people" ..(Seoul: hmf.) explained it in a orderly fashion of records and its history until Seoul finally surrendered...
V. Depending on who wins the strange artifact, either Character One  or Character Two  are granted two wishes. The first wish is granted but the second wish is interrupted and used by Character Four . How did it happen? What were the wishes?

VI. Character Five is asked to give a eulogy for the passing of Character Three . What exactly did they say about Character Three ?

Suzune: To my dear big sister, Evelyn Core, even though I'm actually older than you (by a year), I really respect you. Although at times, you were boring to be with ,you also show that fun side of yours. Let me tell everybody that you are the most lady-like person I've ever met and also the weirdest. But hey, Isn't everybody?

Eve: .....

VII. Either through meditation or the act of magic, Character Two  ends up fighting their doppelgänger from an alternate universe. Only one wins.

(2) Shuu

The two don't fight. They get along really well  and became best friends.

All: Two SHuus???

VIII. All of the Characters unwilling get together to play a game of cards. How well does this go? Give details.

Eve wins cause she's the only one who knows how to play.

Eve: I win! For the twentieth time... I'm bored.
Seoul: No! No! No! Let's play again! I'll definitely beat you this time.
Shuu: Seoul, you can't do it.

Seoul hits Shuu's face to shut him up.
Suzune tends to his brother's face putting on first aid.

Scott: Ehh? (smiles like an idiot) Are we still playing?
Eve: No-
Seoul: Another round!!!!

All (except Seoul): He doesn't quit.

So everybody played until the next day, until Seoul was exhausted.

IX. Curiosity gets the best of Character Five  and they decide to go snooping around in Character Three's room. What do they find? Is it something they wish they hadn't?

Suzune went into Eve's room and rumaged through her stuff. In her closet, was ordinary girl stuff. On her desk, was also normal scores of music sheet. Now Suzune was tired not making up of what she finds. She sits down on Eve's bed and kicks her legs. Her foot hit something under her bed. She bends down and sees a box under the bed. It was a box full of S-Profile's poster. Suzune thought for a while ,and it was normal for admiration of their fellow trainees, but she saw something else. Wait a second, there were stolen pictures of the S-Profile members in the pratice rooms, cafeteria and even the bathroom. Suzune fainted....

X. Character Two  and Character Four  are trapped in a cave. Character Two  expresses strange feelings for Character Four . Before Character Four  can agree, Character One  saves them.  What happens next?

The 3 S-Profile members went for a walk in the forest. Seoul had some food with him hat lured a bear and the 3 ran away, splitting the 3 . Seoul alone, and Shuu with Scott. They stumbled unto a deep drak cave.
Shuu: UHmm.. Scott-kun *fidgets*, we're in this cave now alone and dark...
Scott: Yeah? *smiles*
Shuu's thoughts : Even though it's dark in here, Scott-kun's smile is glowing up the place..
Shuu: I want to tell you that ....I really really admire you!!!! *hugs*
Scott: eh? Well -I...

Seoul: YAh!!! You two I'm coming to the rescue. Are you all in one piece?

Scott and Shuu were too shocked to move. The awkwardness became larger when Seoul put on a flashlight towards them ,seeing them hugging.

XI. All of the Characters have been stranded on an island for a long time. They are finally rescued but there is only one survivor. What exactly happened on this island? How did they get there? Why did one person survive?

The 5 were too perform in the Carribean, but somehow the Ship Sank and swiftly brought them to an unknown island.
In this event, only Eve wins. She killed all her colleagues with a gun she found in the beach ,the island had made her a psycho thinking they were all gonna die anyway.

XII. In an alternate universe, Character Five  is an animal/human (if they are an animal… then a human.) What type of animal/human are they? Describe them.
Suzune the Terrier. With grayish hair and cute violet puppy eyes. She's a playful and loyal puppy ,who likes to take naps under the sun.

XIII. Character Three  is in jail and is about to be saved by Character Four . Character Four 's plan is flawless yet they somehow end up trapped in jail with Character Three . Where did they go wrong?
(3) Eve
(4) Scott

Scott visits his friend, Eve, in jail.
Scott: PSsstt.... Eve, I'm here to bring you out.
Eve: But, Scott I'll be out in 2 weeks, I mean it isn't really a big deal.
Scott: <- [not listening] Here I'll pretend to be a policeman and get the keys so you can get out of here.
Eve: Whatever... <-[has no hope for Scott]

Scott walks in a police uniform and tells the bailiff to take his break and give him the keys.

Scott: See! I got them.
Eve: Scott I didn't think you'd..

But the bailiff comes back and Scott pushed himself along with Eve into the prison cell.

Scott: How many weeks was it? [awkward look]
Eve: You just made it 6.

XIV. A character of your choice decides to form a cult. Explain what their cult is about.

Seoul makes a cult.
Seoul: It's a cult about me!!!

All: How narcissistic.

XV. Character Two  finds a demonic sword and is offered power if they allow the sword to devour their soul. Do they take the offer? If so, what happens to Character Two?

Shuu: Eat my soul? Then wouldn't it be useless if you ate my soul? You would not have anyone to give power to.
Demonic Sword: Who is this guy?! [walks out]
SHuu: Hey don't you want to see us perform in our first concert!? I'll give you a V.I.P. pass! :D
Demonic Sword: Get away from me! [disappears with his demonic powers]

XVI. Once again, All of the Characters have fallen into the past; they are all playing "house." Who take the roles as the parents? Who are the siblings? Who got stuck playing the pet?  Why doesn't the game last long?

And so....
Seoul: Why am I the pet?! I dont even.. [pet Seoul is given a mustle]
Scott: Ohohoh.. dear wife what's for dinner?
Eve: What do you think?
Shuu: Father Scott, Mother Eve, can we order pizza?
Suzune: Hey isn't Shuu already my brother?

Seoul: mmmmmm   *throws away
Suddenly, World War 2 Began...
Scott: Everybody run foru your lives!!!!!!!!!
Eve: Father come back here!

~~~~the rest is history..

XVII. All of the Characters have decided to go camping. They all sit listlessly around a campfire until one of the characters decides to tell a scary story. What is the scary story about? Who gets scared? Who keeps interrupting? Who fell asleep? And, who ate all of the food?

Eve: This is the story about a woman who married a rich man. They lived in an abandoned apartment. The lady who took care of the apartment, told them that a crazy man murdered his wife and son. The married couple passed this off as a thing of the past and let it be.
Scott: Wait a second, I thought the guy was rich why in an apartment?
Eve: Look, they were starting low, its a complicated love story Scott.
Scott: okay. ^^
Eve: At midnight, the man couldn't sleep and washed his face. He turned on the faucet, he let the water rushed. And after that he washed his face. He wiped off his face with a towel and.....
Suzune: What? What?
Eve: He smelled blood on the towel!
Shuu: That doesn't even make sense. How can he smell blood? He obviously smelled the iron the towel was on. It was an abandoned apartment ,right.
Eve: Who's telling the story here?
Scott: You, ma'am. Anybody want biscuits?
All: Yeah!
Scott: *looks into bag* Huh, there gone?
Eve: Moving on, the man goes to their bedroom and saw his wife sleeping soundly. He goes to bed and stared at the roof. He felt tight, and the roof looked like it was pressing towards him, he started to breathe heavily as if he had no more oxygen left. The face of the man murderer and came and he heard a terrible....

AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! The gang heard a scream perfect for Eve's description.
Scott: Wh-who was that? Was it you Suzune?
Suzune: Zzzzzzz...
Shuu: Hahaha, Let's eat. maybe it was out stomaches that were screaming.
Seoul: That was my bad *(burp).
Eve: Then ,who?


XVIII. Before we go, All of your Characters want to take a moment to tell you what they think about the other characters in this adventure.
1. Seoul: I think everybody had better characters/ roleplays than me (T.T)

2. Shuu: I think everybody was at their best pose.

3. Eve: I think some people should stop rummaging through stuff. I tell you Shuu must gay because he doesn't have a pairing, Scott's an idiot, and Seoul is a big pain in the....

4. Suzune: Eve you've gone through a bad day. My brother is not gay, I know I've checked. The rest practically being themselves. (=_=)

5. Scott:  I think Eve was very beautiful today. Suzune was a cute policewoman. That's all. *bow
Well. My first time doing a literature-type meme. XD

My back hurts now, maybe because I was in a bad sitting position.
There you go 5 of my OCS and whatever happens to them is part of their contract in the Satou Entertainment /////shot.

Gosh, I made Scott look like a total idiot.
I made Eve...never mind..

other reason i did this is because: BOREDOM.

~:bulletred: Krian MC.


Meme created by : :iconmeasthenarrator:
the blank meme: [link]
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