
LitMeme Pt 1: Ipod

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The Character Meme: Part 1, Ipod
A.  Choose up to 5 OCs, RPCs, or FCs that are yours.  If you do not have 5 characters, you may either make up one on the spot, use a character from an anime, manga, movie, book, etc. of some sort, or leave them blank.  Remember to give a quick summary about the character, be it physical description, personality, past, or a combination of the 3!

1.  Seita Mokona, Japanese boy, Pop Idol, in a boyband called: S-Profile (Satou Entertainment) . He's 18 years old, but still has a young schoolboy personality. Though shy and awkward at times, he's super polite and very easygoing. He's 5'6,has blue cat eyes,and curly brown hair.

2.  Yumi Ageki, 19 years old. A Japanese actress, she started in the business ever since she was 6 and debuted her way into stardom. She's now Satou Entertainment's gold mine. She is not afraid to speak her mind, but has difficulty in talking to men older than her,except for Mr. O, S-Profile's 45-year old manager, cause he's cool. She's 5'4,yellow eyes and auburn hair.

3.  Scott Holly Dawn or Scott... He's American 19-year old who loves to sing. He can hit high notes like an opera singer. Surprisingly,no one in his family have connections or are good at music. He's part of S-Profile and now is based in Japan. He can speak fluent Japanese and is learning Korean. He is also the translator of his group. He is a very outgoing person and friendly to everyone. But he has a serious side too. He has dark blue eyes, red hair, white american skin, and a mole under his right eye.

4. Im Hana ,15-year old Korean Idol, she's in the group Year 5,held by Satou Entertainment. She's a dancer. She also homestudies and work part-time as an editor in html. She respects her elders and doesn't mind being bullied. She is mature for her age that the others call her Mini Mama. She's 5'3 ,has thin black hair and has black eyes.

5. Seouil Ah Wong, 20 year old Korean Idol, the leader of the Pop Group, S-Profile. He's a very caring "hyung" to his groupmates. He has a stunning charisma that can charm anybody. He doesn't want anybody to piss him off. Out of all of his group he is the shortest (hence,he is bullied sometimes), the funniest and the oldest. He can play the piano and the drums. He has a good traits for a father (LOL) but none for a boyfriend,sometimes people think he's not cut out to marry but he still wants to.

B.  Get a hold of a playlist of some sort, be it your ipod, your computer, a youtube playlist, etc.  Turn it on shuffle.  (NOTE:  If you do not know how to turn your playlist on shuffle, you can either simply choose songs at random, or have it organized in some other way.)  When a song plays, a question regarding the song will be on this meme.  Roleplay out the experience with your character.  You can either choose to only write for the duration of the song, or simply replay it over and over until you're done.  Whatever you are most comfortable with.  Let the fun begin!

I.  Character 5 is walking around town when they hear this song in a building of your choice.  Do they inspect the source of the music, does the song remind them of a friend, do they encounter a monster in the building, etc.?

Seoul is walking around town and hear "Galaxy" by Akdong Musician in the Satou Building 1, were most of the idols practice their singing. He goes into the building and find the source of the music. Seoul put his hands in his pockets and smiled listening to its happy and vibrant beat. It makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside. He stops at the hallway when it was the bridge part. He giggled a bit, remembering his school days were full of fun. He continued to walk and found the source. It was in a practice room. He saw Im Hana and his little brother Daewon. Both of them were singing to the chorus. He saw the two smiling at each other. " little in love." He then chuckled a bit before finally leaving.

II.  Character 3 happens to walk outside the same building, a different song playing this time.  Does Character 3 encounter Character 5, do they simply ignore the music, etc.?

Scott Holly Dawn happens to walk outside the same building. The song playing was "Arigatou" by Sunset Swish.
"Hmmm..." He scratched his chin and squinted his eyes.
"This sounds so from an anime." Then he imagined all the anime he watched and remembered!
"Big Windup!!!!!!!!!" He shouted. He saw pass by him Seoul.
"Ah Captain Seoul!" He catched up to him.
"Captain?" Seoul looked at him confused. (A/N: To those making the same face as Seoul right now, Big Windup is an anime about boys who play baseball,so you're kinda getting the pun I'm trying to pull here.)
"Ah..I mean leader Seoul!" eheheh.... he then ignored everything and talked to Seoul about other things.

III.  A character is out partying with friends, when the music suddenly changes to this song.  Are they annoyed, happy, apathetic, etc.?  Choose either Character 1 or 4.

Seita is out partying with friends (S-Profile ,Daisuke (a dancer from another pop group) and Suzune (a singer from a girl group,also is a sister of one of the members of S-Profile) ,they were just in their dorm, when the music suddenly changed to "Boy in Luv" by BTS, Bangtan Boys. It was an upbeat song, hiphop and the choreography involve a lot of crumping and stomping. Seita wasn't the most talented dancer.
"Oh dude, this is a cool song." Shadow suggested while holding up an energy drink. He was all hiped up.
"Yeah I heard them." Seoul said while banging his head to the beat.
Daisuke started dancing the hard parts. He started doing adlib parts by doing stunts on the floor. He was wearing a cap and used it for tricks. He showed off a bit to Suzune, who was very intrigued. She has a crush on Seita,by the way. She was wondering if Seita could dance like that,because she never saw him dance before.
"Seita-kun!" She called out to Seita. "Why don't you dance?"
"Uhmmm---" He smiled cutely and scratched his head. The song was almost over when the speakers jammed. 
"Oh crap it was getting to good part too." Shuu disappointingly said. it was almost quiet.
Seita then sang the last part...cause he knew the song but didn't know the choreo. He is unaware of Suzune's feelings, so he was singing in front of her.

"I want to be your oppa
Why don’t you know my heart for you?
Even if you ignore me
Even if you act cold, I can’t push you out of my mind

I want to be your oppa
I will be your man, just watch
So that my heart can touch yours
I will run to you right now" 

He fade into the last part, when he saw Suzune fainted on the floor.
"Yes please be my oppa..." she said quietly in her heart before sleeping.

IV.  A character of your choice is with a girlfriend/boyfriend/random person in a hotel room, when another character of your choice suddenly stumbles out of the closet, drunkenly singing this song.

Seita is with Suzune in a hotel room...../dorm// errrr... after Suzune fainted from his song earlier. He was sitting when suddenly Seoul stumbled out of the closet, drunkenly singing "Overdose" by EXO,the Mandarin Chinese version. Seita stared at his hyung.
"Where did you come from?" He said questionably in a calm tone.
"asdjfklghljhlkjljl.. ..xie chen fang chue.... " Seoul continued singing in messed up Mandarin. He then drank more beer and stumbled unto the floor..
"Hyung? do you want water?" Seita suggested.
"Shut up Maknae!" He flailed his arms in an attempt to push Seita away,but failed cause his arms dropped like noodles. Soggy noodles. He then cried.
"I don't water. I don't want it....I want ....." he breathed out heavilly and cried all his heart....
"You want ??? What? I'll give it to you? " Seita was naturally nice. Also he has great respect for his hyung, since he's the oldest and acted as Seita's big brother.
"I want.... HER." He sobbed more.
"Her?" He pulled his Hyung up and made him sleep on the same bed as Suzune. 
"Was he talking about Suzune? Hmmm..maybe? I mean he's in her closet? How did he even get in here before us?" he thought to himself. Then our little dunce young Seita left Seoul and Suzune in the same bed (Oh Seita.)

Both of them woke up the next day.
"Oh...Seita..." --Suzune rolled to Seoul's side and carrassed his hair.
"Seita?" Seoul asked Suzune,his eyes still closed. He had imagined it was Seita who was beside him. He then opened his eyes.
"Wahhh!" Suzune then opened her eyes. "Oh F--------" 

Seita hit his head......

V.  Character 2 is stuck in an elevator for three days, this song being played over and over in it.  How do they respond to this possibly "harrowing ordeal"?

Yumi Ageki is stuck in an elevator for three days, "Defying Gravity" from the Musical 'Wicked' was being played like over. She had eyebugs and her hair was everywhere. It was standing on its own.
"Oh Kiss me goodbye alright!" She dropped to the floor and sobbed.
"ugh!" She looked around. "Does this go on repeat?!" She rolled over the elevator floor..... "Everyone deserves to fly." She memorized the song all over//and was joining in the lyrics. She had felt crazy. It was three effin days. The last part was a burn for her. It involved belching a high note,,which irritated her the most.
"Fine. I get it! I want to be free too you know. This effin' stinks. No one even dared to find me?" 
The reflection of her on the elevator wall was becoming sensible than her. 
"Huh ? who's that?"
"Look in front of you."
"My reflection?? Ah! I;m crazy! I lost it."
"Don't you have a phone."
"Phone? Phone? Phone!" She digged into her pockets and saw her phone, only half the battery was used. She then called to one of her buddies. Fortunately,they got her out of the elevator before the day ended.

"Hey Yumi. Why are you always taking the stairs?" a friend of hers asked.
"Uhmm..exercise?" ......

VI.  Out of character 4 and 3, who is most likely to be caught humming, beating, or singing this song?

"Heaven's Door" - Eric Nam ..this song has two versions a Korean version and an English version. So  I guess both of them. Both of them are fans of Kpop...
Scott would be singing the English version and Im Hana would be singing the Korean version, they might get along after this.

VII.  Character 1 goes to sleep one night.  When they wake up, they suddenly find themselves on a concert stage, having to perform this song.  How do they do?  They may be either guitarist, singer, drummer, etc., depending on the song.  The rest of the band are simply random people of your choice.

Seita goes to sleep one night/ When they wake up, they suddenly find themselves on a concert stage, having to perform Ledapple's "Younghee-ah". Seita was holding a guitar, then the sounds of equiptment sounded. The spotlight shined on him first, then the drummer,who turned out to be Ritsu Tachihara ,he's kouhai...The bass was Zi Wun,his Chinese friend who was also in a rockband. Daisuke, his dancer friend was on the vocals and lead guitar. Seita was lead vocals for this one, the mic appeared from the ground. He started to the beat. Him and Daisuke dance to it while playing. The song had a lot of orgasms. Seita can't believe he was singing something so sexual. He was blushing through out ,but manage to sing well. Daisuke covered for him on the rap parts. Once they were finished. Only one person clapped. Someone yelled, which sounded familiar to Seita. 
"Everybody clap your hands! Or else I'm gonna slit your throats!" 
Seita squinted his eyes, and telescoped to see Suzune. "Suzune???"

VIII.  Character 5 and 2 are in a fight to the death with this song in the background.  Epic?  Fail?  Lolwut?  Explain.

Seoul and Yumi are in a fight to the death. They were arguing about being on the spotlight. Yumi was ready put her fists into Seoul's pretty flawless face.
"I wanna hit that BBCreamed face, ya hear me, Daeseong?" She punched them together.
"Yumi--stop being such a drama queen." He then held his fists to into a punching position.
Then "Stupid" - Yonghwa and Juniel.. (A TOTAL EPIC FAIL).... a song so romantic and light played in their background.
Seoul then stopped and Yumi paused as well. They both blushed,and suddenly cherry blossoms rained on them (Random,I know.).
"What the f---" Yumi's unfinished curse was stopped by Seoul's finger. He closed his eyes and wanted Yumi to hear the song. She was blushing.
"Daeseong---" She blushed furiously now. Seoul then inched his face to hers. Yumi closed her eyes tight,and waited for Seoul to kiss her...when it was over a minute, she opened her eyes and saw Seoul pulling a troll face. 
She got dumbfounded. Seoul laughed like crazy and rolled on the floor.
"You shouldn't seen your face. You're so cute, Yumi...Hahaha" He held his stomach like it was about to come out.
"Daeseong,you jerk." Yumi had a disappointed look on her face. Yet the blush was still there. She then ran away from embarassment, Seoul stopped and realized his fault. 

IX.  Characters 3 and 1 find themselves tied up in a basement with a psychotic killer.  Said killer disturbingly hums/quietly sings (depends on the song) this song every time he meets one of the character's eyes.  How do the two get out of this situation?  Or do they not...?

Scott and Seita find themselves tied up together back-to-back in a basement with a psychotic killer.  Said killer disturbingly quietly sings "Tarantellegra" by Xiah Junsu every time he meets one of the character's eyes. Everytime it hit with Seita's eyes,Scott inches closer to the wall. Scott whispered to Seita. "Hey Seita, for some reason, I think this dude's gay."
Seita then shifted to the left,so that Scott can shift to the right. They were looking for a way out. The room had a lot of dusty boxes. The trussed were visible with cobwebs and spiders. The only way out was either the entrance which was blocked by the killer or the skylight that was right above them.
"What makes you say he's gay." The killer looks at Scott's eyes. He grins creepilly. "What music will you listen to?" The killer quietly sang. He turned around and started to sharpen his knife. from this,they were given a chance to make an escape plan.
"Okay, point taken. Uhmmm how do we get out Scott-sempai?" Seita,started sweating.
"I think were loosening the ropes from our sweat. Good thing the skylight's right above us." Scott had idea. He felt it was a good one. 
"Maknae,will you do anything to escape this?" Scott said in a serious tone to his tied up companion.
"Ofcourse, Scott-sempai! We still have to perform at Ingikayo you know." Seita reminded.
"How can you think of live performances at a time like this!" Scott read the boxes "spices". "I know."

"Uhmm hey dude!" Scott yelled out to the killer.The killer stopped sharpening. He slowly turned his head and locked eyes with Scott. He licked his lips and stepped slowly toward him.
"Calling me out so bluntly,like Im just somebody..." the killer snickered.
"Well,what do you want me to call you?" Scott replied in monotone.
"Do you think we should even have this conversation pretty boy?" He said while licking the blade from the knife in front of Scott.
"You should just say a few words." His voice sent shivers done Scott's spine. He moved towards the killer,making Seita in front of the boxes.
"Can you cut my belt for me with that knife?" Scott suggested, playing it cool.
"What?!" both the killer and Seita yelled in unison.
"I mean before I die...." he blushed like a little schoolgirl,making him look Uke a bit. (oh you nasty Scott) can I have my..... first time." He said the last part seductively that the killer blushed.
"The hell are you doing Senpai?" Seita screamed for concern.
"Ah I I I I I I guess...." the killer, he held Scott's belt and tugged it for a cut. He looked hungry for ...
"Uhmm Seita can you go over that way,I want to see..." So they moved into the boxes were Seita secretly arrange for a fall in a step. When the killer was going for Scott's pants, Seita stomped his foot hard the boxes of spices fell on the killer and blinded him. Scott then took the knife and cut the rope that tied them together. Both of them we're able to escape. they ran as fast as they could.

X.  Every time character 4 goes to use the bathroom, this song plays after they flush the toilet.  Reaction?

"Don't Forget Me" - Girls Day.
 She giggled. "Don't worry I won't forget to flush."

XI.  Character 5, for a test, is to present an analysis over the song's meaning to a group of 1st graders.  How do they do?

"Stereo Hearts" - Gym Class Heroes.
Seoul was happy to teach kids.
"This song is about love. You can tell that the guy is like a radio that can adjust for the girl. So he can be able to make the girl lo---like him. He's very open to her, and wants the girl to trust him."
"Sir." a girl raised his hand.
"Yes? Miss?"
"Are you Seoul from S-Profile?"
"Yes? Why?"
"Get him!" The girls ran towards him screaming. It seems Seoul's fangirls range within a lot of first graders.

XII.  Character 2 drinks a love potion, falling in love with the singer (or guitarist, D.J., drummer, etc.).  Character 3 has the antidote.  However, this antidote also can be, if mixed correctly, used to make the one who drank the love potion fall in love with them, at least temporarily.  What happens; does character 3 sell the antidote, use it, trash it, what?

"Split" - Suneohair
Yumi Ageki drinks a love potion, falling in love with the singer. Scott has the antidote.  However, this antidote also can be, if mixed correctly, used to make the one who drank the love potion fall in love with them, at least temporarily.
Yumi doesn't show anyone that she's inlove. We just know she drank the potion. Scott you are our only hope. Because your number 3. Are you ok with that?

"Uhmm.. It's ok. I'm used to being liked. I'm an idol afterall." he makes the potion and followed every step.
He shut his eyes tight and made Yumi drink it.
"Ugh.. what happened?" Yumi tilted away.
"Do you love me?" He asked directly.
"No,why?" Yumi held her head.
"Yes! The antidote was a success!" Scott then marched back to his dorm. Yumi held her head and blushed.
"Tch, Idiot." her heart was beating fast.
"I do love you Scott..." Yumi fainted and was brought to the hospital.
Unfortunately,the antidote hasn't wore off.

XIII.  Character 1 has a pet parrot that can sing (or hum) this song perfectly.  Is the song better, funny, horrible?

Seita has a pet parrot that can sing "Superstar" by HERshe.
"I know you'll be a superSKAWPRIRTRO" 
"So doncha worry wehre you SQAEKEKEKE"
"Dugeun duguawwwwwkkkk"
"Kochinnn ap un shiiiiiipooooorrrrrr"
"NO shekshiiiiiii bunnnnyyyy///"
"hara bitsogeeeee..."
"Ahhh... can I have a refund for this parrot?" Seita asked all of his members of S-profile.
"NO!" they all said, partly because they want to bully Seita. He's the youngest. it happens.

XIV.  Character 4 sings this song to their mother (or friend, sister, etc. if they have no mom).  How does she react?

Im Hana sings "Hey Jude" by The Beatles to her mother. She's in a coma right now. So..... :"(

XV.  This is the last question!  Free song; what is each character's favorite song?  Why?

1. Seita's favorite song is... "Mein Gott" by Prussia ( Hetalia Chracters CD) 
"I like this song because it tells of Prussia that he isn't just a character. He has a good personality and true to his loyalty. Also it has his trademark "Oresama" ,also I'm a fan of rock if it isn't obvious. hehehehe. Prussia you're awesome." 
Seita's my hetalia watching partner, he likes manga the most in his group, so we get along well (A/n)

2. Yumi's favorite song is... "Soldier" by Before You Exit
"I love this song. I love Before You Exit. I'll love anyone who is a fan! I'll love anyone who'll sing this. Also I remember my dad,when hearing this song. He always said he'd support me until I would be able to reach the top. and he did.

3. Scott's favortie song is... "In Heaven" by JYJ
"I'm not a fan of JYJ,since I don't listen to K-Ballad's or RNB's. It's the vocals that drew me in.. I mean have you heard them live? It's a very emotional song and full of techniques. I'm emotional and still learning to sing,so this has to be my favourite.

4. Im Hana's favorite song is ... "Itsuka wa Romance" by Rima of Shugo Chara.
"If I'm not listening to Pop/Rock or Dance Tunes. It's different from what I usually listen to because it's so light and cute. I like cute and light songs that make you warm and fuzzy inside. also it's my themesong when I'm with the one I love."

5. Seoul's favorite song is "200%" by Akdong Musician.
He loves light and fluffy songs like Im Hana. He's getting into Akdong Musician, it's because he hangs out with me a lot. - (A/N)
Woohh this was fun.. I'm gonna do part two too!
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